May 2011 archive

Noooo!!! Microsoft Buys Skype for $8.5 Billion

As we all suspected last night through internet rumours, Microsoft has pretty much closed the deal on buying up Skype for $8.5 Billion in cash. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Lost In Translation – Pokemon Crystal

I think this has gotta be one of the worst game translations ever! But it does provide a good laugh!

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E3 Is A Month Away!

E3 2011 is a month away! Continue reading

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Minds Asploded – GDC 2011 Zelda: Skyward Sword trailer backwards

This completely blew my mind away. Continue reading

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Youtube Tuesday: Halo vs Mario Kart It seems that Master Chief doesn’t like Mario Kart as much as the rest of us!

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3DS Stylus – Why, Nintendo Why?

I recently picked up a 3DS and it is an absolute blast! AR cards are amazing, Face Raiders is a ton of fun, and the 3D photos are pretty cool. Continue reading

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