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Author Topic: How do i record videos from my xbox 360 when im using a monitor?
Posts: 1
Post How do i record videos from my xbox 360 when im using a monitor?
on: June 30, 2011, 04:49

I have 24 inch dell computer key xbox 360 screen which i am using for my xbox 360. I have a hdmi cable running from the monitor to PS3 Hack the xbox360. How can i record videos from my xbox 360 using hdmi. I also have dyson fan the xbox 360 av cables.

Markus Lai
Posts: 45
Post Re: How do i record videos from my xbox 360 when im using a monitor?
on: July 2, 2011, 12:45

if you are willing to spend some $$ one solution is a capture card although those can run you upwards of $50 or more. if you wanna save money, a vhs recording thing may do too. its basically A/V to usb so the quality won't be as good. I'd personally go with the capture card cause thats more future proof cause nearly everything now comes with hdmi out.

for next time, plz post topics like this in the general discussions, which would be greatly appreciated as we'd like to keep this section of the forums for friend code/gamer tag exchange. 🙂

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