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Pages: [1]
Markus Lai
Posts: 45
Post FAQ
on: May 3, 2012, 13:15

Q: How come I can't log in to post comments or post in the forums?

A: If you have lost your password/login, click the link under the login stuff that lets you recover your password.

If you're logging in for the first time, you should have received an email previously to confirm your email through a link. If you did not receive an email from us, check your spam box or contact us directly through email. Click that link to verify and don't forget to change your password to something you can remember!

If you're still having issues logging in, please email the site admin at

Q: How do I become a writer on Broken Fuse VG Blog?

A: We're usually looking for new volunteer writers that are passionate about video games, TCGs, technology and geek culture in general! Send us a sample of your writing and a little bit about yourself to!

Q: Do you guys write about Video Games Tournaments?

A: We try to keep an eye out for them, but with a small team of part-time volunteer writers, it's hard to keep up with everything!

Q: Many of the events you guys write about and cover seem to be in the Toronto, Canada and surrounding area?

A: The large majority of our writers reside in the Greater Toronto Area, so naturally the events closest to home naturally get the most coverage! We'd love to go to bigger events like E3, PAX, BlizzCon and Comic Cons but we don't have that kind of a budget or presence on the interwebs just yet!

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