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Author Topic: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
Posts: 1
Post Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 7, 2012, 22:41

Hey guys.
My boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship and every night we Skype on my iPad. I'm considering trading in my iPad for the new PS Vita, which also has Skype capabilities as well as a frontal camera option.
Is it true that the Vita has limited access to the internet? Will I be able to use Skype on the Vita with ease?

Markus Lai
Posts: 45
Post Re: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 16, 2012, 22:12

In my opinion, I'd keep the iPad unless you're really keen on gaming on the PS Vita. And yes the internet browser on the PS Vita is on the slow side as reviews have said.

I have not had hands on time with the Skype app on the Vita but have done so on a PSP. It should be relatively easy to use once things are set up. The final decision is up to you but IMO I'd keep the iPad.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 18, 2012, 10:47

Not sure what you mean by limited access to the internet?
As Markus has said, the browser is a bit on the slow side with checkerboards. There's also no flash but hopefully they will update the browser and also add flash.

ATM the skype app isn't on the PSN store yet (or fb, foursquare for that matter), probably releases on the 22nd along with the system launch. Should be as simple as Skype on any other device.

If you like gaming at all, go with the PSV.

Markus Lai
Posts: 45
Post Re: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 19, 2012, 22:39

So the general consensus is if you're serious about gaming, go PSV, although you will be losing some money by trading in. I'd suggest selling it somewhere like eBay, Kijiji or Amazon if you do sell. But if you don't spend 5-10 hours gaming in general, it isn't worth trading your iPad for a PS Vita (PSV)

I'd suggest to keep the iPad if you have invested heavily in apps and you don't have an iPhone/iPod Touch to reuse those apps. I would wait a bit til theres more games for the PSV and see if you like what's on there before making a final decision as the games that are on there might not be worth it just yet for your tastes and you do need to take in the consideration of the proprietary memory cards (Yeah Sony's at it again...) that don't come cheap as a 4 GB card is in the ballpark of $30 and a 4GB SD card can be bought for $10.

Posts: 2
Post Re: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 25, 2012, 19:31

4gb is 20$
8 gb is 30$
16gb is 60$
32gb is 100$

though there are sales going on right now. i.e. costco has 32gb for 84$. at BestBuy, if you're a gamer zone member (free to join), there's a coupon for buy any game and get 10% off game accessory, etc

Markus, compare the prices of microSD class 10 cards. It's (psvita card) slightly more expensive.

Markus Lai
Posts: 45
Post Re: Should I keep my iPad or get the PS Vita?
on: February 28, 2012, 16:49

I'd still favour the full size SD cards compared to MicroSD and any of Sony's proprietary cards as SD cards are compatible with many more devices and has much higher capacity than the 32GB (Theoretically up to 1TB with SDXC, but who'd be crazy enough to use that just yet, plus its not available yet) I'm not denying the fact that the PSV cards do go on sale (Like everything else) but the value for those particular cards compared to a more prevalent format isn't quite there for me personally just yet.

Don't take this personally, but besides the lack of a strong software library at this point (and most launches are like this for any handheld/home console as I'm sure you're aware of), the memory card is the main thing that's holding many gamers I've talked to from buying the PSV. And those gamers do own non-Nintendo systems. I've played around with a demo unit recently and the hardware is very nice, but the added cost of memory cards is holding me off until prices for both the system and memory cards come down to somewhere a bit more affordable for me and until there's enough games that cater to my tastes.

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