Poll: What’s your favourite Zelda game?

I know this is a rehash of the poll we’ve had on for a while, but in anticipation of the Zelda 25th Anniversary tours in North America this year, we have decided to keep the Legend of Zelda poll going for a bit longer! Which Zelda game is your all time favourite? And those god awful CDi ones, they don’t count, right?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.brokenfuse.com/2012/01/09/poll-whats-your-favourite-zelda-game/


    • Holly on January 10, 2012 at 4:07 PM

    I voted Ocarina of Time. Honestly I think Skyward Sword is a better game, but Ocarina of Time means more to me than any other video game…ever.

  1. Mine’s currently is Link’s Awakening as it’s the first one I’ve ever played. OoT and Skyward Sword are a close second.

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