Category: Events

New iPhone 5 Announcement

Apple finally unveiled the iPhone 5 and it’s one nice device! Continue reading

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September 13 Nintendo Direct Conference

If you’ve been paying attention to Nintendo at all lately, they will have a global Nintendo Direct event on September 13 for Wii U pricing and release date. Continue reading

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Firefly 10th Anniversary Reunion Episode Announced!

Firefly will be getting a new one hour episode, but not in the format fans would have expected. Continue reading

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Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2013 Dates Set

Comic book fans in the Greater Toronto area, clear your calendars for May 11 and 12! Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Podcast 38: E3 2012 Episode

So E3 2012 has ended on Thursday night and we bring you a shortened edition of what E3 has displayed this year. This time, John and Harley join me in this podcast to weigh in on the big topics! Don’t forget that this podcast is also available on iTunes as well!


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E3 2012: Lost In Translation?

So the Big Three have pretty much wrapped up their presentations for E3 2012 and I’ve gotta say it hasn’t been a huge disappointment, but it hasn’t been mindblowingly stellar either. Continue reading

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Fire Emblem: Awakening coming to North America

Fire Emblem: Awakening for 3DS will be coming to North America. Nintendo of America confirmed this yesterday in their Twitter feed. I’m definitely excited for this title to make it State-side. Continue reading

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Biggest MIA Items From E3 2012

At E3, new announcements about hardware and games makes it easy for some things to go missing. Hit the jump to  find out what we think are the biggest things missing from E3! Continue reading

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Leaked full specs sheet for Wii U

If the leaks on the purported specs of the Wii U are true, it seems like a decent machine to run HD games on! Hit the jump for the full specifications sheet from VG Leaks Continue reading

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Majora’s Mask Trailer: Will It Happen?

So there’s a pretty sweet Majora’s Mask floating around on YouTube and it has not been mentioned at all by Nintendo yesterday during their E3 Press Conference. Perhaps we may hear from their 3DS roundtable tonight at 6PM PDT about it. Either way, Operation Moonfall is still there to put some pressure onto Nintendo to publish Majora’s Mask onto a new platform and we have a pretty awesome trailer to keep our hopes up!

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