Category: Wii U

Wii U To Include NFC And Nintendo Contemplating Name Change For Console

The Wii U is well on its way to becoming Nintendo’s next generation of home consoles. Continue reading

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Xbox Next Gen Console To Be 6x More Powerful

So it looks like leaked info strikes again! Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Podcast: Episode 32 – 2012 Expectations

In this episode, Harley and Eugene from Infendo join me in discussing what we expect to see in 2012 in regards to gaming and hardware!

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Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Tour Dates

We finally get official North American tour dates for The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary concerts! Hit the jump for the dates and locations! Continue reading

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What 2012 games are you looking forward to?

2012 is nearly upon us and a new year of gaming is just around the corner! Continue reading

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Miyamoto retires from current post, still with Nintendo

Calm down everyone! Miyamoto’s still making games! Continue reading

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Power to the players? More like Power taken from the players!

A bit of a disclaimer before you read the rest of this rant: I’ve met some pretty cool people that work at these stores, albeit you will get some bad apples that give you bad service or don’t know Jack about gaming. Continue reading

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Remember the Vitality Sensor?

Don’t worry, the Vitality Sensor is alive and well, they’ve just encountered some problems in it’s R&D. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Podcast: Episode 29

This episode, we talk about game releases, the explosion of new releases for Christmas and the overratedness of yearly releases of Sports and Shooter games and more! Continue reading

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Bad timing much Nintendo?


I know Nintendo has a bit of catching up to do for game releases this year but isn’t launching Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Super Mario 3D land and Mario Kart 7 all in the span of about a month a bit of an overload there Nintendo? Continue reading

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