Category: DS

PSA: Your free ticket to Four Swords is almost up

If you’re still procrastinating about downloading Legend of Zelda: Four Swords for your 3DS or DSi, you only have a few days left! Continue reading

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Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Tour Dates

We finally get official North American tour dates for The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary concerts! Hit the jump for the dates and locations! Continue reading

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Broken Fuse VG Blog 2011 Game of The Year Winners

After hours of intense debates, deliberation and the stray flying wiimote, we finally have our 2011 Game of The Year selection alongside top game for many of the major genres! Hit the jump to find out which games won out! Continue reading

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2011 Game of The Year Podcast

John and Harley join me in going over our Game of The Year selections for 2011. Hope you enjoy it!


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What 2012 games are you looking forward to?

2012 is nearly upon us and a new year of gaming is just around the corner! Continue reading

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New Pokemon game announced! But…

Brace yourself for what quite possibly will blow your mind. Ready? Watch this:

The game is translated to “Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition”. Nobunaga’s Ambition is a turn-based strategy RPG (kind of like Fire Emblem) that is set in feudal Japan times. Apparently in this game, you are supposed to gradually take over Japan as a “trainer”, and you start with an Eevee. Not much else is known about it.

Quite frankly, the first time I saw this I thought it was some kind of joke. It looks quite interesting though. What are your thoughts?

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Miyamoto retires from current post, still with Nintendo

Calm down everyone! Miyamoto’s still making games! Continue reading

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Power to the players? More like Power taken from the players!

A bit of a disclaimer before you read the rest of this rant: I’ve met some pretty cool people that work at these stores, albeit you will get some bad apples that give you bad service or don’t know Jack about gaming. Continue reading

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Holiday Games: Elite Beat Agents

It’s the holidays! Time to bust out the eggnog, enjoy endless replays of your favorite Christmas songs, go shopping, and the various other things. Of course, video games like to celebrate too! Continue reading

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What are you playing this weekend?

It seems like everything is cramming themselves into one weekend for me. Continue reading

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