Category: TV

Leonard Nimoy Dies At 83

spockLeonard Nimoy, one of the stars from the Star Trek series has passed away today at home at the age of 83. His wife confirmed his death was the cause of end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Nimoy had announced last year that he had the disease which can be atributed to smoking, which he had quit three decades earlier. His talent will be missed in the entertainment industry. He truly had lived long and prospered.


(Source: New York Times)

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Netflix to develop live action Legend of Zelda series

minish_capNetflix is in the early stages of developing a live action series based on the popular and long running video game series of Legend of Zelda. Continue reading

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Jurassic World Official Trailer

Spielberg, please don’t disappoint the millions of fans with this movie!

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Don’t Stop Me Now Cover On Doctor Who

A recent episode of BBC’s Doctor Who features the artist by the stage name of Foxes, who does an amazing jazz cover of Queen’s Don’t Stop Me Now.

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Doctor Who Fan Trailer

Found this neat fan made trailer recently. Definitely looks nice!

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12th Doctor Announced

Doctor-who-logo-elevenIn an evening special of Doctor Who on the BBC, Peter Capaldi has been announced as the 12th Doctor. Continue reading

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Disney Buys LucasFilm

Star Wars fans, you better take a seat with this one. Continue reading

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The Legend of Korra: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

A fan made video based on events up to episode 2 in the new series. A great way to get into episodes before they come out. Season 1 is done in the United States, and episode 4 is coming this Saturday at 11am on YTV (for Canadian viewers out there).

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Youtube Tuesday: Fire Emblem Skills Extreme- Mia VS Lucia!

I think the video pretty much speaks for itself, showing off what characters can do with multiple skills stacked onto a character, and how epic Fire Emblem can/could be if the player were allowed full access to these skills in game.  There are a series of videos created by the same user showing off characters from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn dueling against other characters from the series. Both of which I find it quite entertaining, and rather epic.

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The Legend of Korra Now on Canadian TV!

This comes about a week late but Canadians wait no more your Avatar is here! The Legend of Korra premiered last week at 11am on YTV, but worry not, you can catch the first 3episodes commercial free just head over to

Be sure to catch episode #2 this morning at 11am on YTV. Check your local listings for more details. For those of you who are perhaps more savvy or were currently unaware, you can also watch the episodes online (with possible spoilers) on Nickelodeon.  *Spoiler Waring* Nickelodeon is running the North American premiere run of the series and as such they are currently at episode 10, which premieres this week, followed by episodes 11-12 for next week, the season finale. Also merely clicking the Nickelodeon site will lead to spoilers for those who haven’t seen every episode up to wherever the series’ run on Nickelodeon is at. Click on NICK get spoilers, you have been warned. Now let the shipping war- I mean the action- begin.

Korra and her trusty Polar bear-dog Naga

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