Category: PC

EverQuest II and APB Reloaded Free To Play

Steam seems to be in a massively multiplayer mood. Continue reading

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Power to the players? More like Power taken from the players!

A bit of a disclaimer before you read the rest of this rant: I’ve met some pretty cool people that work at these stores, albeit you will get some bad apples that give you bad service or don’t know Jack about gaming. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Podcast: Episode 29

This episode, we talk about game releases, the explosion of new releases for Christmas and the overratedness of yearly releases of Sports and Shooter games and more! Continue reading

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What are you playing this weekend?

It seems like everything is cramming themselves into one weekend for me. Continue reading

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DC Universe Free-To-Play

Steam is doing it again! DC Universe is now free to play!! First TF2 now DC Universe. This is huge motivation to get steam if you haven’t already! MMO fans are in for a treat!

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What’s on your holiday gaming schedule?

Thanksgiving is coming up in the States later next week (we Canucks already had ours about a month ago) and the Christmas season is nearly upon us. I’ve got Super Mario 3D Land, Skyrim, Mario Kart 7, Skyward Sword, God of War trilogy and a couple other games on my holiday gaming list. What are some of the games you’re looking forward to play during this Christmas season?

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Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

Another good game heading to stores in 2012!

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Broken Fuse VG Blog 2011 GOTY Shortlist

So it’s that time of year where we start whittling our Game Of The Year and ‘Best of’ choices down, or at least we try to. We’ve compiled a shortlist of games after the break, and if you think we missed an amazing game that should be on here, please feel free to leave the name of the game and a category that it would be suitable for! Continue reading

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6 Halloween Games I Recommend Checking Out

Today is Halloween, and as gamers we are blessed with an entertainment medium that offers MANY great games to get into the spirit. Continue reading

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What are you playing this halloween weekend?

I’ll be playing some Left 4 Dead 2 and a random Resident Evil title I pull off my shelf after a halloween party I’m heading to tonight. What will you be doing or playing this halloween weekend?

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