Category: PC

League of Legends Kayle Rework!

Every once in a while, LoL will rework champions to keep things interesting. With Kayle, she is getting some new animations, new(er) skins, and ability modifications. Continue reading

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Steam Summer Camp Sale

So the Steam sale is almost over. For those of you that missed out on the first week or so, no worries as Steam usually has some major deals on the last few days. This is usually the case with massive bundle sales and big savings off some hot games. Check it out here!

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California law to ban violent video games struck down!

This is good news for gamers! Video games are now under the First Amendment of Free Speech! If you want to read the report, the link is here! Continue reading

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Crapshots Ep.75-The Mine

Pretty funny video that also manages to explain Minecraft in a nutshell

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E3 Podcast Live Stream Friday Night

This Friday at 7PM Eastern, join us in the live stream for our E3 2011 Podcast! And it’s one year since we’ve kicked off the podcast too! It would be great to see you in our live stream on Friday night here!

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Gaming: The Social Movement

There was a time when gaming was frowned upon  by the mainstream media and culture as being a very solitary activity a la world of Warcraft addiction and now, its swept the world by storm and is now considered a relatively social activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family.But I’d like to go back to a time before the Revolution that is the Wii and the DS to a more simpler time of which we remember from our childhood. Continue reading

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Broken Fuse Pre-E3 Podcast: Episode 24

We talk about E3 and our predictions for what should come out of it this year for the Big Three. And for once I didn’t procrastinate on getting the recorded live stream up for your listening pleasure! Listen to our pre-E3 podcast after the jump! Continue reading

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Portal 2 Soundtrack Free!

The Portal 2 soundtrack is free to download!

Find it here.

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Angry Birds on Chrome!

Rovio just announced that Angry Birds will be coming to Chrome! Continue reading

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